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Channeling - For All Young Starseeds

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind". Dr Seuss

Consider This
This life you are living is a movie. This life you are living is YOUR movie. For you are the sole creator of your life, of your movie. You are the producer, the director, the writer, the actor who plays the part that you came to this Earth to play. Like any movie there are many parts to be played. There are many scenes to act out. Many stories to weave and conclude. And ultimately there is much to be learned.
Consider this – when you were born onto this Earth, when you entered your human form, you knew who you were, you knew why you were here. Then you began to learn how to talk, how to behave, what to do and what not to do, what is deemed ‘right’ and what is deemed ‘wrong’. But in whose opinion? You are told these things through education and through media. You are programmed to conform to a way of being that may not be in alignment with who you truly are. And so you may lose your way. You may forget your truth. Media faces depict to you how you ‘should’ look – be thin they say, look pretty, have white teeth, behave this way and that will get you accepted by others. Watch these TV ‘programmes’ that will teach you how to behave and how to respond to different situations that you might encounter in this life. So many have gotten lost. So many do not know who they truly are. So many do not even care to find out who they truly are. So many live and act out a false persona, putting on a false face. Consider this – so many work hard and then spend their money trying to ‘fit in’. So many spend money buying clothes they do not need. So many spend money on shoes that hurt their feet and strain their backs. So many spend money on bags made by specific designers in which to carry around all the ‘stuff’ that they think they ‘need’. Having a functional phone or car but buying a new one just because it looks nicer, because it has features that they never had before – and never needed and don't need now. Because it has to look nice when they are with friends when in the company of people that they probably don't even like that much, but think they like because they match up to the false part they are playing. Consider this – you came here for a reason. You came here with a purpose. There are others here who you were destined to meet up with at various points in this life in order to assist you and accompany you for part of your journey and to teach you the lessons that you came here to learn. And to learn from you. Consider this – like attracts like. That is Universal law. You are a being of the Universe, a being of energy. The energy that you transmit will draw to you people who have that same frequency of energy. Those who share your purpose and beliefs. Consider this – if you are living a false life. If you are putting on a false face, a false persona and acting out a false part, then then the people who come into your life will match that false life. That face, that persona. And so you will perpetuate a falseness, you will be living your life to suit the opinions and beliefs of others whose lives are false. Consider this – you fear to change. You fear to seek out your truth. You fear what you may find. You fear to find and be who you truly are. You fear the loss of your ‘friends’. You fear the loss of approval from others. You fear being alone. You fear being disliked by those whom you don't really like anyway! Consider this – if you find your truth. If you are real and true and natural as you are truly meant to be - as you truly want to be – then you will no longer find yourself surrounded by the false faces. You will draw into you life people who are also being who they truly are. You will attract into your life people who will like you for you. They will like you for who you truly are. They will not care at all how you look. They will not give a dam what you wear. They will not care what size you are or what your kitchen looks like or what model and year of car you drive! You will be surrounded by people who care about you. You will make friends who like and accept you. When you cease to live your life to the opinions of others. When you truly don't care what over people think then you have found freedom. You are truly free. And ultimately you will be living your life – not someone else's.

Alison M Lowther. 4th June 2016. 
Channeled from my Guides.


Collective dark night of the soul,
by Alison M Lowther 21 June 2020
Earth is shifting and is going through her dark night of the soul as are many who are now awakening
by Alison M Lowther 9 April 2020
Fear is a negative and when you are allowing fear into your psyche then you are inviting tension and stress and ultimately you are lowering your vibration. It is imperative that you hold your vibration high at this time. There is much going on in your world of which you do not know. There are evil forces at play, and they are being overcome by good forces at this time. Good forces thrive on positive and high vibration. Evil forces will feed from fear that they create. All light-beings, way-showers, healers and spiritual practitioners must assist at this time by holding high their own high vibration. Teachers need to teach and meditators to meditate. Meditation raises your energy vibration and that of all around you. You can affect as far as you project with will and intent and ultimately with love. The dark forces cannot survive love. Love destroys their darkness. Darkness will flee from love through its own fear. Do not feed the dark forces with your fear. Have faith. Harness your inner light and shine it. Feel the love that surrounds all beings at this time. Dispel your fear, shine your light, emit love, and you will rise and all around you will rise. And when you all rise then the planet shall ascend into light. Earth will heal and ultimately be free from the dark forces that have engulfed her for so long a time. Know this, believe this. We are with you always. We have your back. Have faith. Have hope. Shine your lights for all to see, raise your energies. The dark is passing now, and the light is returning. Know this now. We are here. Everywhere is fear. Fear is everywhere but it does not help you it only serves to help those who are generating it and they are generating it because they want you to feel it because they know that by feeling fear that you will be more likely to succumb to illness and distortion in your physical, mental and emotional bodies and this is what they are wanting for you all this is their agenda. You must not succumb but rather you must endeavour to reverse any such feelings and rather than feel fear feel anticipation for we know that fear and anticipation produce the same feeling in your physical bodies so you can transpire feelings of fear into feelings of anticipation and thereby you are sending back to them the fear for them to experience while you experience anticipation. Anticipation is of hope and this is what they are having as a result of your fear. They are anticipating that your fear will give them the results that they so desire but if you turn it around on them then they will have fear and you will have hope. Alison M Lowther. Channeled on 9th April 2020
channeling - New Earth, Athena
by Alison M Lowther 11 July 2019
Your movies and your stories have greatly affected your collective timelines. Every story, every act, and every chapter and every line and every single word all are echoed across dimensional space thus creating these timelines in all formations, in all reality continuums. And so, the more energy put into a storyline the more density and power it will bring into that timeline and the bigger the reverberation within the continuum.
by Alison M Lowther 28 June 2019
In a café sit a young couple opposite each other at a table for two, laptops open back to back. Alongside them at the next table sit an older couple, both immersed in reading their newspapers. One cannot help but note the sharp contrast which also lends itself to a perverse synchronicity. On their other side sit three friends, chatting, drinking coffee, smiling and pretending to look interested, all the while contemplating what to say next. Ego talk. Mindless talk. Tick Tock. Tick Talk! Meanwhile I sit, by the window. Alone. I watch. Alone. The watcher at the window. A casual observer of the lives of those who pass me by but do not see. Blinded to the truth, they stroll down the shop lined road. Shopping and stopping. Stopping to look in well dressed windows at objects which please their eyes - and their Egos beg. But their wallet says ‘no’. The man in the suit with the sternest of look says no. My coffee arrives. I take a sip, warm, black and strong. Like the waiter who brings it to my table, tall dark and strong. Young woman sitting opposite me writes in a large notebook. And her inspiration inspires me to do the same. Her pen flows quickly from page to page. What does she write? Does she write of me as I write of her? Maybe. Maybe not. Mirrors. We write, reflecting, observing, being inspired and inspiring at the same time. She me, me she. Then comes a pause. A short conversation in relation to sunshine absent of warmth, a bright star that shines upon this land we walk. We talk briefly before returning respectively to our writings. Meanwhile, the young couple are still on their laptops, drinking coffee, while mine cools. The older couple are still immersed in their newspapers, mindlessly absorbing the lies and falsehoods of our world, ruled by those who will only permit their chosen ‘news’ to reach our sorry pathetic eyes and ears! She turns to a page and reaches into her handbag for a pen – ah a crossword! Another distraction. But wait – look what you all miss. Look out the bloody window. There is a world out there. A screwed up, fucked up world where people pass by, shopping for stuff! Stuff they don’t really need, in order to impress people they don’t really like. And here I sit, writing, watching, waiting............................................... Alison M Lowther. 14th April 2016
by Alison M Lowther 4 June 2019
When you look into a mirror what is it that you see? Do you see yourself? No I think not. What you are actually seeing when you look into a mirror is merely a reflection of your physical body, it is not you, it is not the Divine essence which you truly are in Being. It is the physical vehicle in which you walk and talk this earth plane. This body of yours is not you but you identify with it always. Why is this. Why is it that you believe your vehicle to actually be YOU? Why do you not see? You say the eyes are the windows to the Soul. Indeed, they are but still you identify with your physical vehicles. Those vehicles come in all shapes and sizes. They come in different colours, with different features and so on. And you separate yourselves from one another because you might have a different body colour or shape or whatever. But your bodies are your vehicle, your transportation on this earthly plane. Nothing more. Nothing less. When you look into the eyes of another Being with love in your heart then you will see them. You will see Soul for they will willingly show themselves to you when that loving soul connection is established in this way. This has always been so. Some do this now while others will not even permit anyone looking into their eyes. For they fear what others may see. For they know. But they are not yet conscious of this knowledge that is within them. So when you are looking into your mirrors you see this body but you do not see you. Look closely into your mirror. Feel love and compassion for you at soul level and gaze into your own eyes – then you will see you. You look into mirrors and you see this reflection within your eyes but now you say but this is still not me for this is a reflection of me and not the real me. Then what is the real you? Ah AHAHA! What you see is a reflection of your truth that is showing you something that you need to know about yourself. For this is the way of life. For this reality is full of mirrors. This reality on which you walk is in fact nothing but smoke and mirrors. The mirrors are your way out. The mirrors are showing you the truth. They show you your truth and so you can better find your way when you take heed of these mirrors. Now we are no longer talking about looking glass mirrors, no we are talking everyday mirrors. We refer to reflections. Because you see, every other Being that you meet while you walk this plane is your mirror because they are your reflection. Every other being that you meet is reflecting to you something that is relevant to your path. And when another Being stirs emotion within you then they are reflecting back to you what it is that you need to know in that moment in order to fulfill your destiny. You see walking this earth plane is likened to your video games where you play to win and you play to score points and you play to get up to a higher level. When you see what the reflection is that others are giving back to you then you are scoring points because you are learning something of yourself that will be of great useage to you in your future endeavours but oftentimes you are not seeing this. Oftentimes you are walking away and you are shaking your head and you are saying ‘he is horrible person and I want nothing more to do with him!’. But he is not horrible person. He is reflecting to you some ‘horrible’ thing that you are holding within your being. Maybe something from your past. And it is this horrible thing that is stopping you from moving forward. That is stopping you from moving on to the next level. Do you see? And now you have so many other distractions that you do not even take your time to acknowledge the mirrors you meet each day or to notice what it is they are trying to teach you. But no you shrug and you groan and bemoan them and then turn your attention back to whatever it was that you felt to be so important in the first place. You take no time nor heed of the mirrors all around you every day in every moment. The important mirrors that are teaching you, that are guiding you, that show you a way out of this Matrix. The mirrors that will help you get through the Game and rise to the next level. You are more in notice of the false mirror, the tool of the Ego, the glass mirror that you look into every morning. You spend so much time taking notice of what this mirror tells you and you take time to alter your physical appearance accordingly so that this mirror will approve of how you look in physical form and yet none of this matters none of this is relevant none of this will in any way assist you in your exit from this plane or is you learning what it is that you need to learn in order to progress to the next level. This glass mirror is a distraction, for it distracting you from the real mirrors – each and every interaction that you have with another being. You are all in effect guiding one another if you would only recognise and acknowledge. Alison M Lowther. Channeled April 2017 from my guides
by Alison M Lowther 29 April 2019
We are trying to tell you but you do not heed In your physical world you use words to communicate with each other. Spoken words, written words. You listen to words with your physical ears and you look at words with your physical eyes and you interpret those words in accordance with your own opinions and beliefs. But words themselves are not communication. They are merely a tool that you created so that you could better understand one another. This has not resulted in better understanding but rather this has resulted in a far greater level of confusion and misunderstanding than there has ever been or ever will be, for matters are beginning to change and this is why we are trying to communicate with you now. Communication is occurring all around you all of the time but because it is not in written words that your eyes can ‘see’ nor in vocal voice that your ears can ‘hear’ then it does not permeate your reality, your little world that you are so absorbed in. That false reality all around you which you identify with and which you unwittingly make yourselves victim to in all it’s perversity and confusion. Pay attention. Communication is not always about hearing and seeing. Communication is about your inner senses. Your feelings, your instincts. Yes, my friends you do have these things. You all do. You all know that you do but you often chose to ignore them. You refuse to acknowledge them because the truth that is then communicated to you will expose the lies you continue to live by. And so you make an unconscious choice to remain in ignorance. To carry on in the ignorance is bliss mentality that is in fact the creation of and the cause of all the problems that you suffer on this earth on this day. Words get in the way. Words confuse you. Words mislead you. Your leaders use words to mislead you and to distract you. They know. Oh yes they know. And they do not want you to know. They want that you remain in your blissful ignorance. They want you to remain obedient to their words and their wishes and their endeavours to maintain a control over your physical world that you inhabit. They are trying to mislead you, to lead you into battle with yourselves. Look how they separate you from your brothers and your sisters. Look what they do with all their power. You all need to start communicating. You have an inner knowing. You know that you do. You know that you know. There is a part of you which avoids your own truth. You make this life difficult because you know but you refuse to believe. Rather you continue to believe what is not true. This is no blame for you. This is manipulations carried out upon your minds. Your physical brains have been overloaded with words that you have believed. And you have believed them because your parents and your teachers told you that they were true. Your parents and your teachers believed them because their parents and their teachers told them they were true and they believed that they were true and they believed that what they were telling you was the truth. But all around you, all of the time the truth is there. Truth surrounds you but you do not see. We implore you to open up your inner knowing. Acknowledge that you know what you know. Acknowledge what is true not only for yourself but for all your brothers and all your sisters on this earth plane. For you are all one and all the same and you all know. Be aware of what is being communicated to you outwith words. Be mindful of what is going on around you. Be mindful of signs and symbols that adorn your physical world. Everything around you has meaning for you if you would only heed of it. If you would only open your minds and your hearts. We are here. We have not ‘died’. We are not lying underneath a gravestone. We do not remain within the ashes of our former physical bodies that sit with perverse grace upon your mantelpiece. We are still here. We remain with you – always. We know. And we know that you know. And we now know that when we were with you on the earth plane that we also knew, but like you we did not allow ourselves to tap into that knowing. So we ask this of you now. We tell you that the time is coming that you all unite and begin to turn this world of yours around. The time is now. It happens now. It is happening. It is. And communication – true communication – is the key. Alison M Lowther. April 2016. Channeled from my guides
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