Immersive Reiki Healing

immersive Reiki Healing 
What is Immersive Reiki?

“We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos. Our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play the music”. Albert Einstein

Additional frequencies of light, colour and sound with harmonic frequencies create a harmonious and immersive experience bringing deep and profound healing. The body’s natural rhythms, heart rate and brainwaves, synchronise with the frequencies of colour, light waves and sound, promoting deep relaxation and healing on all levels of being. When you come to me for a Reiki Healing session you will be positioned within the full colour spectrum of light while hearing the beautiful healing vibrations of the harmonic sound frequencies. You will be guided into a gentle visualisation followed by a brief and light head massage to aid you into relaxation. When giving Healing, in addition to Reiki I also utilise the concepts of Body Mirror System of Healing, Colour Therapy and Shamanic practice, offering a truly powerful and effective Holistic Healing. This combination enables you to access a deeply relaxed state of being which in turn renders you receptive to the healing vibrations of all the modalities. 

Every thing and every being is energy. We are all energy, and we are surrounded by energy. Reiki harnesses this life force energy and is directed by the practitioner to the recipient through the seven main Chakras (energy centres) that surround the physical body. Each Chakra has a frequency, and each frequency has a colour and a sound vibration to match. This is how colour healing and sound healing work so effectively together. The addition of light further enables the colour to be absorbed into the energy field and thus to flow through the physical body also. The music played during your healing session is also of frequencies that are aligned to and resonate with the energies of the chakras. 

What is Reiki
Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of healing and self improvement. It heals on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It boosts the immune system and promotes good health and well-being. It is beneficial for anxiety, stress, depression, inability to cope or communicate well, difficulty relaxing or sleep problems. It is also effective in overcoming negative habits. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery. A healing feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit, creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results. The main thing is that it works - whether or not you believe it will.

It is possible to heal at any level of being; physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. All dis-ease has its root in the emotional body. While medicine treats the dis-ease it does not get to the emotional root. As Reiki puts the recipient into a meditative state it enhances awareness and enables one to become aware of the emotional root underlying the issue. Emotional healing is then facilitated and any necessary changes made. I also offer a brief intuitive guidance after a healing session, if desired, to help people to resolve any underlying emotional issues. 

How does it work?
* Everything in the Universe is made of energy, including our physical bodies.
* The physical body is a wave of continually flowing energy.
* All dis-ease has its roots in the Emotional body - emotions are energy. E motion = Energy in Motion 
* When negative emotion is experienced this creates a block in the flow of energy.
* When that energy is then unable to flow through the tension area it has to flow around it and so the tension area is then deprived of energy. Like a stone in a river where the river cannot flow through the stone so has to flow around it.
* The subsequent deprivation of energy flow in that part of the body eventually causes the blockage to manifest as dis-ease - illness, sickness. This can manifest in the emotional or mental body also.
* The intense flow of energy from the Reiki healer to the affected area will dissolve the blockage, thus enabling the energy to flow freely again and subsequently heal.
* To avoid recurrence of the tension and any subsequent blocks, then the person needs to become aware of the emotional root that caused the tension in the first place. Because Reiki healing puts you into a meditative state it enhances awareness and enables insight into what has made or is making, you tense or unhappy. This is why regular healing is so important and effective.

I also offer Immersive Reiki and Sound Healing together. More information on this on my Sound Healing page here.

Below is a short 3 minute video explaining how Reiki works

Receiving a Reiki Healing

To receive a Reiki healing all you need do is lie down fully clothed and relax. You will be positioned within the full colour spectrum of light while hearing the beautiful healing vibrations of music. You will be guided into a gentle visualisation followed by a brief and light head massage to aid you into relaxation. This combination enables you to access a deeply relaxed state of being which in turn renders you receptive to the healing vibrations of all the modalities. I would normally start a healing working around the head area, and progress down the body through the energy centres - known as Chakras - finishing at the feet. The healing works on the energy field around your body - the aura - and so there is little physical contact.  A typical session lasts 1 hour including consultation and downtime. Reiki aids you into a meditative state so brings a deep relaxation. Each Healing is unique to the individual. Some describe it as tingling, releasing, floating, lightness, being encapsulated in a warm soothing blanket. Other people see colours, or have profound thoughts. Every healing is different.

Exchange £45.

Distant Healing

If you would like a Healing but live too far away to come to me in person, you can purchase a distant healing. A distant healing may also be purchased for a loved one as long as the recipient is agreeable to receiving healing. To book your distant healing please use the secure Paypal button below. Please submit the name, date of birth and location of the recipient. Thank you. Exchange is £25 and healing will be of around 30 minutes duration. The healing will be done within 72 hours of payment and you will be advised via email as to when.

Name location DOB recipient
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