by Alison M Lowther
4 June 2016
Consider This This life you are living is a movie. This life you are living is YOUR movie. For you are the sole creator of your life, of your movie. You are the producer, the director, the writer, the actor who plays the part that you came to this Earth to play. Like any movie there are many parts to be played. There are many scenes to act out. Many stories to weave and conclude. And ultimately there is much to be learned. Consider this – when you were born onto this Earth, when you entered your human form, you knew who you were, you knew why you were here. Then you began to learn how to talk, how to behave, what to do and what not to do, what is deemed ‘right’ and what is deemed ‘wrong’. But in whose opinion? You are told these things through education and through media. You are programmed to conform to a way of being that may not be in alignment with who you truly are. And so you may lose your way. You may forget your truth. Media faces depict to you how you ‘should’ look – be thin they say, look pretty, have white teeth, behave this way and that will get you accepted by others. Watch these TV ‘programmes’ that will teach you how to behave and how to respond to different situations that you might encounter in this life. So many have gotten lost. So many do not know who they truly are. So many do not even care to find out who they truly are. So many live and act out a false persona, putting on a false face. Consider this – so many work hard and then spend their money trying to ‘fit in’. So many spend money buying clothes they do not need. So many spend money on shoes that hurt their feet and strain their backs. So many spend money on bags made by specific designers in which to carry around all the ‘stuff’ that they think they ‘need’. Having a functional phone or car but buying a new one just because it looks nicer, because it has features that they never had before – and never needed and don't need now. Because it has to look nice when they are with friends when in the company of people that they probably don't even like that much, but think they like because they match up to the false part they are playing. Consider this – you came here for a reason. You came here with a purpose. There are others here who you were destined to meet up with at various points in this life in order to assist you and accompany you for part of your journey and to teach you the lessons that you came here to learn. And to learn from you. Consider this – like attracts like. That is Universal law. You are a being of the Universe, a being of energy. The energy that you transmit will draw to you people who have that same frequency of energy. Those who share your purpose and beliefs. Consider this – if you are living a false life. If you are putting on a false face, a false persona and acting out a false part, then then the people who come into your life will match that false life. That face, that persona. And so you will perpetuate a falseness, you will be living your life to suit the opinions and beliefs of others whose lives are false. Consider this – you fear to change. You fear to seek out your truth. You fear what you may find. You fear to find and be who you truly are. You fear the loss of your ‘friends’. You fear the loss of approval from others. You fear being alone. You fear being disliked by those whom you don't really like anyway! Consider this – if you find your truth. If you are real and true and natural as you are truly meant to be - as you truly want to be – then you will no longer find yourself surrounded by the false faces. You will draw into you life people who are also being who they truly are. You will attract into your life people who will like you for you. They will like you for who you truly are. They will not care at all how you look. They will not give a dam what you wear. They will not care what size you are or what your kitchen looks like or what model and year of car you drive! You will be surrounded by people who care about you. You will make friends who like and accept you. When you cease to live your life to the opinions of others. When you truly don't care what over people think then you have found freedom. You are truly free. And ultimately you will be living your life – not someone else's. Alison M Lowther. 4th June 2016. Channeled from my Guides.